Involuntary Striated Muscle

human anatomy,animal anatomy

Involuntary Striated Muscle. Striated muscles show alternate light and dark bands. Key Terms skeletal muscle.

Muscle Tissue Wikipedia
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Striated Muscle vs. Striated muscles are seen in skeletal muscles and cardiac muscle whereas non-striated muscles are seen in smooth. Location of involuntary muscle is stomach intestine hearts cardiac muscle urinary bladder and blood vessel.

The upper arm has skeletal muscle fibres fusiform in shape.

However muscles of alimentary canal are non-striated spindle shaped involuntary. Location of involuntary muscle is stomach intestine hearts cardiac muscle urinary bladder and blood vessel. Skeletal muscle is voluntary and striated cardiac muscle is involuntary and straited and smooth muscle is involuntary and non-striated. Voluntary muscle do possess Striations whereas involuntary muscle lacks striations.
