Detailed Muscle Anatomy. These findings could result in new postpartum rehabilitation techniques. Immune Lymphatic Systems.

An Illustrated Anatomy Leg and Foot Illustration 117 THE RECTUS FEMORIS MUSCLE The Rectus Femoris muscle is the fourth of the Quadraceps muscles. Upper limb Lower limb Head and neck Trunk wall Each chart groups the muscles of that region into its component groups making your revision a million times easier. It inserts into the mandible and acts as a synergist of the masseter in closing the jaw.
The different muscles are the iliocostalis muscle light green longissimus muscle green spinalis muscle blue and.
The muscle consists of a medial part containing smooth muscle cells under autonomic nerve influence and a lateral part containing striated muscle cells under somatic nerve control. We characterized the muscular structure and neural control of the levator ani muscle. To provide the required detailed and updated comprehensive picture of embryologic muscular anatomy three-dimensional 3D reconstructions were created based on serial histological sections of a human embryo at Carnegie stage 23 8 weeks of development crown-rump length of 238 mm using Amira reconstruction software. The muscle does adduct as well as internally rotates the thigh but the primary function of the muscle is hip flexion.