Action Of Eye Muscle. The atropine mechanism of action is classified as an antiparasympathetic parasympatholytic or anticholinergic drug. Extraocular muscles - second video in eye anatomy series.

There are seven extraocular muscles the levator palpebrae superioris superior rectus inferior rectus medial rectus lateral rectus inferior oblique and superior oblique. The muscles of the eyes help with vision by performing a variety of specialised functions. Horizontal either toward the nose adduction or away from the nose abduction.
Extraocular muscles - second video in eye anatomy series.
And torsional movements that bring the top of the eye toward the nose intorsion or away from the nose extorsion. The inferior oblique muscle performs primarily in the extorsion movement of each. The field of action of an extraocular muscle is the direction of rotation of the eye when that muscle contracts. Defects on this muscle can cause strabismus.