Zygomatic Bone Labeled

human anatomy,animal anatomy

Zygomatic Bone Labeled. The zygomatic process joins with the zygomatic bone. The zygomatic bone also known as cheek bone malar bone Latin.

Axial Skeleton Skull
Axial Skeleton Skull from droualb.faculty.mjc.edu

It adjoins the frontal bone at the outer edge of the orbit and the sphenoid and maxilla within the orbit. Premaxilla is a separate bone in cat skull anatomy. The mandibular fossa is the articulation point between the mandible and temporal bone.

Each zygomatic bone articulates with the temporal bone frontal bone maxilla and sphenoid bones.

Masseteric fossa present in the mandible of a cat also found in a dog. The auditory meatus is a canal that connects to the inner ear. There are 2 such bones one on each side of the face forming the prominence of the cheek. The paired lacrimal bones are made up of the medial walls of each orbit with a lateral sulcus through which tears can drain into the nasal cavities.