Right Foot Bone Structure

human anatomy,animal anatomy

Right Foot Bone Structure. Shaw House Orchard Road. Bones of the forefoot.

Human Being Anatomy Skeleton Foot Image Visual Dictionary Online
Human Being Anatomy Skeleton Foot Image Visual Dictionary Online from www.visualdictionaryonline.com

So to simplify the hindfoot and midfoot consist of 7 tarsal bones calcaneus talus navicular cuboid and 3 cuneiformswhile the forefoot consist of 5 metatarsal bones and 14 phalanges. The bones of the foot are divided into anterior region posterior region dorsal region plantar region distal region proximal region medial region and lateral region. In most two-footed and many four-footed animals the foot consists of all structures below the ankle joint.

Tarsals a set of seven irregularly shaped bonesThey are situated proximally in the foot in the ankle area.

These will form the longitudinal arch of the foot. Tarsals a set of seven irregularly shaped bonesThey are situated proximally in the foot in the ankle area. The foot consists of thirty three bones twenty six joints and over a hundred muscles ligaments and tendons. They can be divided into three groups.