Patella Bone Labeled

human anatomy,animal anatomy

Patella Bone Labeled. The patella is the largest sesamoid bone in the body and it lies within the quadriceps tendon in front of the knee joint. Labeled diagram of sesamoid bones which include the pisiform and patella.

Patella Bone Anterior And Posterior Views
Patella Bone Anterior And Posterior Views from

The location of the patella can be felt by touching the knee. The patella is found in the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle the large muscle of the thigh that passes across the knee to attach to the tibia. The maxilla bone of a pig is the main bone of the upper jaw and carries upper check teeth.

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The patella is commonly referred to as the kneecap. Patella Knee cap The patella kneecap is the largest sesamoid bone of the body. Kneecap is a triangular shaped bone that covers and protects the distal surface of the anterior femur. It is the largest sesamoid bone in the human skeleton.