Lumbar Spine Muscle Anatomy

human anatomy,animal anatomy

Lumbar Spine Muscle Anatomy. The lumbar spine consists of 5 moveable vertebrae numbered L1-L5. Ask For More Information Now.

Muscles Of The Lumbar Spine Of The Trunk
Muscles Of The Lumbar Spine Of The Trunk from

Long transverse processes for muscle attachment. Interspinous muscleligament L3-4 6. Bohl and Kern Singh 61 General Information Anatomy and function.

Erector spinae muscle 9.

The Model itself is made of PVC which is highly durable and easily. Most people have 5 lumbar levels L1-L5 although it is not unusual to have 6. In this episode of eOrthopodTV orthopaedic surgeon Randale Sechrest MD discusses the anatomy of the lumbar spine. L4 pedicle level superiorly lateral recess.
