Lower Extremity Muscle Innervation. Prefixed or postfixed innervation patterns were found in 279 of legs examined and there was asymmetry of innervation in 298. Table 26-1 summarizes the major innervation root and nerve of some of the most clinically relevant muscles of the lower extremities as.

Flexes thigh Anterior view Muscles Moving Thigh - Anterior. Also explore over 102 similar quizzes in this category. The sacral plexus gives rise to the sciatic nerve L4 through S3 posterior femoral nerve S1 through S3 superior gluteal nerve L4 through S2 and inferior gluteal nerve.
1 Pectineus muscle receives its innervation from Obturator nerve L234 and Femoral nerve L234.
Part of the muscle innervation chart below includes this list and also includes a list of upper extremity and lower extremity innervations which was developed in collaboration with all the students in the PT program. Anterior medical and posterior thigh muscles. Lower limb free PDF download This muscle chart eBook covers the following regions. An Overview of Lower Limb Innervation.