Lower Back Muscle Anatomy

human anatomy,animal anatomy

Lower Back Muscle Anatomy. These muscles include the large paired muscles in the lower back called erector spinae which help hold up the spine and gluteal muscles. These bones are connected at the back with specialized joints.

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Back Muscles Anatomy Of Upper Middle Lower Back Pain In Diagrams Goodpath from www.goodpath.com

Your back muscles extend from the bones of your neck cervical vertebrae to your lower back lumbar spine and then to the base of your lumbar spine sacrum and tailbone coccyx. The spine is unstable without the support of the muscles that power the trunk and position the spinal segments. Shaw House Orchard Road.

This blog post article is an overview of the muscles of the lumbar spine of the trunk.

Antique illustration of human body anatomy. Hip and knee Muscles. They originate from the thoracolumbar fascia the spinous process of thoracic six through 12 the iliac crest and your lower three ribs. Ad Non-Invasive Back Ache Solutions.