Large Mastoid Bone. The mastoid air cells are thought to protect the delicate structures of the ear regulate ear. Mastoid bone is not like other bones that have regular fixed structure.

It is also filled with sinuses or mastoid cells. A large lytic lesion in the mastoid segment of the temporal bone with an intact tympanic membrane therefore presents a diagnostic dilemma. A case of an unusually large mastoid antrum in an young adult with no middle ear suppuration and a cosmetically unacceptable swelling behind the ear is presented.
A large lytic lesion in the mastoid segment of the temporal bone with an intact tympanic membrane therefore presents a diagnostic dilemma.
Mastoid cutaneous fistula rare complication. Different ethnic groups share similar mastoid aeration and bone growth patterns. Dural injury occurs during the drilling of the mastoid bone. Mastoid bone is not like other bones that have regular fixed structure.