Foot Muscle Anatomy

human anatomy,animal anatomy

Foot Muscle Anatomy. Metatarsals 5 phalanges 14 hallux great toe proximal and distal phalanges. The foot muscles are divided into plantar and dorsal groups.

Feet N I K I
Feet N I K I from

These two muscles work together to evert the foot - move it towards the lateral side. They are arranged in layers and are responsible for maintaining the correct shape of the foot. The muscles of the foot can be split into two groups the extrinsic and intrinsic muscles.

All the foot muscles are nerve supplied either by the lateral plantar nerve or medial plantar nerve both are branches of the tibial nerve.

1- For the tibialis anterior muscle all are true Except. Anatomy Of The Foot And Ankle The gastrocnemius or calf muscle is the largest of these and assists with movement of the foot. The muscles create motion in. Each foot has 26 bones 33 joints and over 100 muscles tendons and ligaments to offer precise support and mobility.