Extrinsic Eye Muscle Innervation

human anatomy,animal anatomy

Extrinsic Eye Muscle Innervation. Damage to one of the cranial nerves will cause paralysis of its respective muscles. Six of the extraocular muscles the four recti muscles and the superior and inferior oblique muscles control movement of the eye and the other muscle the levator palpebrae superioris controls eyelid elevation.

Eye Muscles All About Vision
Eye Muscles All About Vision from www.allaboutvision.com

Turns eye superiorly and laterally. Obliquus inferior and M. The muscles of the eye are innervated by three cranial nerves.

The extraocular muscles are the seven extrinsic muscles of the human eye.

The lateral rectus is innervated by the abducens nerve CN IV which causes abduction of the eye. Trigeminal Nerve CN V. Anterior orbital surface of the maxilla. The extraocular muscles are innervated by lower motorneurons that form three cranial nerves.