Cervical Paravertebral Muscle

human anatomy,animal anatomy

Cervical Paravertebral Muscle. The cervical vertebrae serve as the origination and insertion points for a host of muscles that support but also enable movement of the head and neck. They can be divided into anterior lateral and posterior groups based on their position in the neck.

Prevertebral Muscles An Overview Sciencedirect Topics
Prevertebral Muscles An Overview Sciencedirect Topics from www.sciencedirect.com

The paraspinal muscles PSM also known as paravertebral muscles is a descriptive term given to those muscles that closely surround the spine primarily the thoracolumbar spine. The cervical vertebrae serve as the origination and insertion points for a host of muscles that support but also enable movement of the head and neck. Scans through themidcervical areashowthelongissimus capitis andcervicis aswellasthemoremedial multifidi and.

Muscles consists ofthetrapezius latissimus dorsi rhom-boids andlevator scapulae.

Paravertebral muscles in disease of the cervical spine. Two frozen fixed cervical cadaveric sections were CT scanned at various levels then sliced cross-sectionally at the appropriate thickness. Positive identification of posterior cervical paraspinal muscles were made on computed tomography CT scans and correlated with the findings on cadaveric cross-sections of corresponding levels. Cervical paravertebral block.
