Bone Structure Of Foot. The human foot is a strong and complex mechanical structure containing 26 bones 33 joints 20 of which are actively articulated and more than a hundred muscles tendons and ligaments. Tarsals Metatarsals and Phalanges Tarsals A set of seven irregularly shaped bones.
The 26 bones of the foot consist of eight distinct types including the tarsals metatarsals phalanges cuneiforms talus navicular and. Shaw House Orchard Road. Be Free From Aches Pain Numbness-Call Now.
There are also 2 sesamoid bones not shown located under the 1st MTP joint.
Metatarsals 5 Phalanges 14 Sesamoid Bones 2 Metatarsals. Helping the foot withstand the weight of the body whilst standing and in motion. This is approximately pyramid-shaped and is comprised of three cuneiform bones the navicular bone and the cuboid bone. Intertarsal tarsometatarsal metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal.